Saturday, October 29, 2011

Reading the Person

Proverbs 15:1 "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."

I have a terrible habit of being super blunt.  When someone asks me about making a decision or tells me about a decision they’ve made I reply in a very open manner.  I have a girl who reads this devotion that I’m going to use as an example.  We have a lot of conversations every Wednesday and Sunday night.  She usually knows what I will tell her if she ends up making a mistake.  This is my basic reply for anytime she messes up, “Don’t be stupid.  Knock it off.”  This works for her.  I know I can be that blunt with her and it helps her.  There are other people I know that would probably never come back to church or talk to me again if I were that blunt or harsh with them.  We need watch how we talk to people because our words can drive them away rather than bring them closer to Christ.  We have a responsibility to approach them in a loving manner.  With that girl, she knows I love her by choosing to be dead honest with her rather than dancing around the truth.  With other people, they need a gentle, reassuring approach to let them know they’re truly forgiven.  People will repent before God but won’t feel fully whole until they receive forgiveness from those around them they respect.  Don’t jump into a conversation with your fleshly words on your tongue.  Let God’s refreshing, fulfilling words come from your mouth so that people may leave you feeling refreshed rather than burdened.  

Ephesians 4:2 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."

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