I adore watching little kids play. I used to know a little boy who would cover his eyes and exclaim, “You can’t see me!” He thought just because he couldn’t see you that you couldn’t see him. It was the cutest thing because he was so adamant about the fact that you couldn’t see him, even when you tried to explain to him you could. He had such a childlike thought process about it. When we mature and our mind develops, we realize that just covering our eyes doesn’t make things go away and it doesn’t make us invisible to what’s happening on the other side of our hands. No matter how bad we want to believe that it does, it doesn’t. We can choose to be blind to the truth of what’s going on around us. We can cover our eyes and force ourselves to believe it isn’t there but, all that does is make us naïve and childish. Uncover your eyes and realize the evil happening around you so you can be ready to take it on. The bible says to flee all appearance of evil. If you cover your face, you become blind and you are left defenseless in the line of fire. We need to uncover our faces and stop acting like pansies. Evil is real and just because we choose to believe it’s not there, that doesn’t keep it from noticing us and eating its way through our lives. I don’t know about you, but I would rather know the location of my enemy so I can stay far away. With hands over our eyes, the enemy has full range to do what he pleases because even in the open, he’s hidden from our view.
Proverbs 22:3 “A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks; a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered.”
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