I love reading The New Yorker when I have time. There are some very interesting articles I’ve read and most of them really get my gears turning. I’ve always hated shopping. If I have to go, I know specifically what I’m looking for and I’m in and out. Big crowds just aren’t my thing, especially when you’re fighting those crowds for something as ridiculous as a t-shirt. I decided to allow myself the pleasure of reading a few articles this morning. The first one I clicked on were horror stories about shopping. I thought to myself, “More ammo to fight against it.” As I began reading, my heart was deeply saddened for the desperate people. Thanksgiving day, 2008, 2,000 people lined up outside a Wal-Mart to take advantage of the huge sale happening at the store. The people in line were acting like savages to make sure they got what they wanted. To shorten the story, people died because of the greediness of the crowd that day. Reading this you’re probably thinking how terrible that is, right? It’s pathetic and disgusting is what it is. We’re willing to trample each other for material objects. Things that may not even work in a year! But we got what we wanted, right? We hear about people getting trampled all the time in crowds. I wait every black Friday for news of people getting hurt. What is it for? We’re unwilling to go out of our way to help someone on the street but, boy howdy we’re willing to risk our lives to get a shirt. This world is backwards and it baffles me to see what we as humans are capable of.
(To read the full story on your own, refer to the link I have provided.) http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2011/02/07/110207fa_fact_seabrook
Luke 12:15 “Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."