Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Foggy Windows

Proverbs 27:12 “A prudent person sees trouble coming and ducks; a simpleton walks in blindly and is clobbered.”
My car windows were foggy this morning when I left for work.  I couldn’t see out of anything but the windshield which doesn’t help for behind and to the sides.  It was a tad stressful because I was just waiting to hear the crunch of two cars colliding.  Praise God that never happened.  I noticed that I was less stressed while driving to work because I couldn’t see the people behind me.  I hate when people get on my tail and it makes me want to go faster or slow down and the entire time I’m driving I’m focusing on that particular thing.  This time around, because I couldn’t see them I didn’t stress about them.  We’ve all heard the line, “Ignorance is bliss.”  I believe that before we are Christians we lived in ignorance of the law.  We didn’t know what we needed to do and why.  When we accept Christ He brings us into the light of understanding, He clears our windows up.  Even though it was nice to not have the stress of dealing with the cars around me, it was unsafe to be blind to oncoming traffic.  It’s rough to walk the path of Christ and it will stress us out sometimes but it’s a lot better than walking in the world blind, being crashed into.  With Christ we can hold our heads high and foresee the attacks of satan coming so that we’re not broadsided.  We can prepare to be able to face the attacks or avoid them altogether.  However it happens, whenever it happens, we need to be prepared.  Not ignorant or blind with our foggy windows.
2 Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not.”


  1. cool...Ritchie just read in Nehemiah about being prepared and coming to the aid of those under attack...word of God speak :)
