All of us have those lines our parents would throw at us when we were growing up. “I’m going to give you something to cry about.” Yeah, there’s a lot of them and most parents use them. My mom always told me to take my vitamins. I hated the taste of vitamins and still do. After I took them they would kill my stomach for the rest of the day. I never could understand why vitamins were so important and why my mother insisted I take them every day. Now I know why. I have a few health problems that require me to take vitamins. If I don’t, my body starts getting behind and I get sick. Sometimes I don’t realize how bad I was feeling until I take my vitamin for the day and I’m revived. This same thing happens when I don’t get my daily dose of God. I can wake up and not realize how “poopy” my day is going until I slow myself down to spend time with my Creator. After I do so, I’m revived and I realize how much better I feel to take on the day. If you’re trying to get somewhere you’ve never been and you just start out driving with no directions, you don’t realize how off course you are until you’re given directions. We need our daily direction from God. If we don’t get it, we could end up in Mexico before the day is out.
Proverbs 16:9 “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.”
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