Friday, November 25, 2011

Don't Judge Me

Proverbs 15:12 “Mockers resent correction, so they avoid the wise.”

When I write, I usually have my mom edit it as an outsider reading in.  I like to get a different view on how well it flows and if my point is making it across.  Sometimes, when she suggests things I get upset at her because I had been fine with it or even excited.    I want to hear her say, “You did great, you don’t need to change anything.”  My mom cares and wants to see me make it the best it can be, so when she sees something that can be done better she wants to make sure and let me know.  When working with youth, they will ask me for advice in a situation.  I will give advice based off of what the bible says and it usually ends up not being what they wanted to hear.  They will go ahead and do the opposite of what they should and then wonder why their life isn’t going how they would like it.  When I tell them their choices are causing the pain in their life they tell me I’m judging them.  Don’t get the feeling of being convicted confused with feeling judged.  The people who care are the people who aren’t going to feed you a bunch of junk about how everything you did was ok.  They’re willing to help you see your mistakes and then stand by you and support you in fixing those mistakes.  No, it doesn’t feel good to be told something we don’t want to hear.  We want to hear that everything is just fine and we did nothing wrong.  Just because those people are telling us what we don’t want to hear, doesn’t mean that they’re judging us.  The uncomfortable pangs we feel are convictions.  It’s our conscious knocking at our heart confirming that we in fact made a boo boo.  

 Proverbs 15:32 “Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.”

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