Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Birth That Changed the World

Matthew 1:20-21 “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

Lately, I’ve not had many devotions laid on my heart.  Of course, God has been speaking things to me but I haven’t felt led to speak it to anyone.  As the “day of joy” neared I kept feeling a rising in my spirit.  It grew stronger and stronger until the flood broke loose.  An emotion and passion spilled from my heart and I knew God wanted me to write it out for people to read.  On December 25th,we celebrate the birth of a man who saved us from death.  Nobody knows the exact day He was born and we can all hypothesize but that is the day we all pause our lives to give and be given to; to bless and be blessed.  We remember who our families are and even if there’s no blood relation we realize who it is that belongs in our family.  We cherish this baby boy that was born in a feeding trough (manger), in a barn, while the freezing air bit at His newborn skin.  My dad said something that made me really stop and think.  Instead of thinking of a man dying on the cross for us, think of that little, perfect baby boy being nailed on the cross and giving His life for our stupid actions.  His soft, white skin being pierced by the nails as small cries came from his lips; blood flowing over his little head as thorns sat embedded in His scalp.  Every Christmas, we pull the inner grace out of ourselves and are willing to give more, to help more, and to be more caring.  Keep looking at things differently!  Don’t just bury it after the joyful season is over!  The world seems much lighter and happier around Christmas.  It could always be that way if we weren’t willing to stuff our “holiday cheer.”  It wasn’t Christmas day when Christ died for us.  It doesn’t have to be Christmas day for you to give the best of yourself.

Psalm 68:3 “But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.”

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