Monday, April 3, 2017

Correcting Everyone and Their Mother

2 Timothy 1:7 - For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Have you ever just wanted to give up on the world because you are just flabbergasted by all you see? Yep, that was me the other day. I about turned around and gave a parent a lecture on how to raise their children because it was clear to EVERYONE in the store that they weren’t doing a very good job. In my head I had that whole head bob, Z-snap thing going on and I was ready to pounce. However, God tapped at my heart and asked me, “What good would that do, Shannon?” Boy, was I knocked down a few pegs. You see, sometimes it’s not our job to tell somebody what’s what because half the time, that just tears them down and definitely does not bring them closer to God. Look at Facebook, all of us are so willing to jump the gun and post something controversial just so we can correct those who see it differently than we do when really, correction isn’t needed, love is. A good debate can be fun and helping a friend out when they’re headed down the wrong path is wonderful. However, arguing just for the sake of trying to be superior is kind of annoying and nobody will listen at that point. Don’t you dare lie and don’t think you don’t do the same thing we all do. We type a million miles an hour, get a SUPER good comment in and then we’re all proud of ourselves. “Did you see what they said? Yeah, look what I said back.” I’m laughing right now because I’ve definitely done this with my husband. I was so proud of how I responded and the singer I got in, I couldn’t wait for him to read it. Sadly, there’s no witnessing when all we’re trying to get in is a few good zingers in on someone. We’re focusing on hurting them or hurting their pride whether than helping them in love and through scripture. Today, I urge you to step back away from your own pride and forget all the knowledge you think you need to impart to those who don’t see things the same way you do and just love and encourage them!

Proverbs 16:32 - Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.

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